Customizing Pull-to-Refresh and Overflow Effects with CSS’ overscroll-behavior

Next to dynamic imports, another feature that landed in Chrome 63 is CSS overscroll-behavior:

Scrolling is one of the most fundamental ways to interact with a page, but certain patterns can be tricky to deal with. For example, the browsers pull to refresh feature, where swiping down at the top of the page, does a hard reload.

In some cases, you might want to override that behavior and provide your own experience.

The CSS overscroll-behavior property allows you to do just that: override the default scroll behavior. With it you can prevent a full reload when a pull-to-refresh gesture is performed (and inject your own logic), disable rubber banding (no more for need this nasty hack), etc.


Another typical use case is one where you have a scrollable piece of content that is layed out above another scrollable piece of content – yes: a modal. The default behavior is that when reaching the scroll boundary of the modal, the content underneath it starts to scroll:

Setting overscroll-behavior: contain; on the modal will prevent this default behavior, resulting in a better experience :


overscroll-behavior is available in the new Chrome 63 and in Firefox (ever since version 36!). Other browsers currently don’t support this.

Here’s a pen that demonstrates how it works:

Scroll the content to its bottom edge, wait a little while (while keeping your cursor over the element), and then continue scrolling. Compare the behavior with and without overscroll-behavior contained.

Take control of your scroll: customizing pull-to-refresh and overflow effects →

Published by Bramus!

Bramus is a frontend web developer from Belgium, working as a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since (more …)

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