I was delighted to read that CodePen now has built-in support for Skypack. This is a huge step forward to working with packages on CodePen. Great addition to the product!
But what exactly is Skypack? Well, it’s the successor to the aforementioned Pika CDN with some extra juice: Skypack not only serves packages that export ES Modules, it also converts packages that export older CommonJS Modules to ES Modules while at it.
Ever tried to load JavaScript from a CDN and realized that it doesn’t work in a browser without a bundler? Skypack operates like your favorite CDN but with an important difference: packages are preoptimized for browser use.
But Skypack doesn’t stop there: it handles minification, browser polyfilling, gzip/brotli, HTTP/3, caching, and more!
Skypack is free to use for personal and commercial purposes, forever. The basic CDN is production-ready and is backed by Cloudflare, Google Cloud, and AWS. We’re fully committed to building a core piece of infrastructure you can rely on.
Fred K. Schott, one of its authors, announced it this summer at ESNext Conf — a virtual conference which I also gave a talk at.
(Fast forward to the 18 minute mark to get to the Skypack part)
Here’s a simple Confetti example:
Neat, right?
Skypack — Load optimized npm packages with no install and no build tools →
Skypack + CodePen →
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