Remix v1 Beta Launch Video

Michael Jackson and Ryan Florence recently launched the v1 beta of the aforementioned Remix. Through lots of live code, Ryan and Michael will tell you all about where Remix started, where it’s at now, and what this v1 Beta launch means for one of the most exciting web frameworks today. If you’re into React, be …

DiggyDB – Amazon Route53 as a blazingly fast and reliable database

Building further upon a “wild story” by Corey Quinn, Nicholas Martin describes how to (ab)use DNS TXT records by storing data in them, as if it were a database: When you think about it, DNS configuration is actually a very rudimentary NoSQL database. You can view and modify it at any time quite easily through …

Performance-Testing the F1 websites

Jake Archibald has published a nice series in which he has been been performance-testing all F1 sites. Not only does he dig into waterfall charts, he also points out a few simple things that could be applied in order to improve overall loading performance. As a bonus he also tested the Google I/O site, which …

Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation, with CSS fixed backgrounds

Davor Suljic created a fork of my Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation that — instead of using IntersectionObserver — uses some background magic to highlight the active navigation items. The result is a “Pure CSS” implementation: If you turn on an outline on one of the content sections it becomes clear how it exactly works: …

Optimizing web content for Reader Modes and Reading Apps

Sara Soueidan, thinking about the different ways we consume web content: The more I consume content in reading apps, the more I am reminded of the importance and the power of progressive enhancement as a strategy to create resilient and malleable experiences that work for everyone, regardless of how they choose to consume our content. …

Lazy loading JavaScript using IntersectionObserver

Jonathan Neal dissects the Islands Architecture approach behind Astro. During the presentation, Fred demonstrates dynamically loading JS using “Islands Architecture”,a strategy where small HTML placeholders are progressively upgraded with dynamic or interactive content as-needed. The demonstration involves waiting on the viewport visibility of a div placeholder before loading some JS. Using an IIFE an IntersectionObserver …