COLRv1 Color Gradient Vector Fonts in Chromium 98

Shipping in Chromium 98 (currently in beta) is support for COLRv1 Color Gradient Vector Fonts. This is a pretty exciting addition, I must say! COLRv1 enables powerful 2D graphics glyph definitions (gradients, transforms), supports variations, and reuses existing glyph contour definitions. Previous color font formats embed bitmap files into the OpenType font containers. They do …

Customize the Password Hide/Reveal Button in Microsoft Edge

If you’re using Microsoft Edge, you might have noticed that it sports “Reveal Password” control — a little eye icon — automatically injected on the end side of password inputs: As per Edge Developer Docs: The password input type in Microsoft Edge includes a password reveal control. To make sure that the password is entered …

YAML: The Norway Problem

Earlier this week, Haroen Viaene posted this tweet about YAML: worst part of yaml: — Haroen Viaene (@haroenv) January 10, 2022 The linked-to page contains the documentation on what defines a boolean in YAML, and details that it can be parsed using this regex: y|Y|yes|Yes|YES|n|N|no|No|NO |true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE |on|On|ON|off|Off|OFF The reason to why this is problematic …

Don’t Fight the Cascade, Control It!

In this article on CSS-Tricks, Mads Stoumann digs into :where(), Custom Properties, and Cascade Layers to control the CSS Cascade. At the end, Mads concludes: If you leave with only one takeaway from this article, I hope it’s that the CSS cascade is no longer the enemy it’s often made to be. We are gaining …

Glow — Render Markdown on the CLI

Glow is a terminal based markdown reader designed from the ground up to bring out the beauty — and power — of the CLI. Installation per Homebrew brew install glow Once installed, you can open files in several ways: # Read from file glow # Read from stdin glow – # Fetch README from …

Adobe Project Shasta — AI-powered audio recording and editing, all in the web.

Next generation audio from Adobe is here. Record, transcribe, edit, share. Crisp and clear, every time. This is pretty crazy: it automagically transcribes the recorded audio, and allows you to alter the segments by removing words from the transcribed text. That Enhance Speech Filter also blew my mind there. Project Shasta →

rci — A clever React Component for One-Time Passwords (OTP)

rci is a React component that ask for a one time password, in a pretty clever way. rci uses a single DOM input element, overlayed on top of plain divs for styling. Most other implementations of this pattern are based on multiple inputs. Using multiple inputs gives out-of-the-box style consistency, but comes with the disadvantage …

WEBMIDI.js — Send and receive MIDI messages with ease

If you don’t want to directly use the Web MIDI API, you can use WEBMIDI.js WEBMIDI.js makes it easy to interact with MIDI instruments directly from a web browser or from Node.js. It simplifies the control of physical or virtual MIDI instruments with user-friendly functions such as playNote(), sendPitchBend() or sendControlChange(). It also allows reacting …