What’s new in Chrome 97 (Features + DevTools)

Pete LePage has all the details about what’s new for developers in Chrome 97: Chrome 97 is rolling out now! There’s a new option for sending real-time messages between the client and server using Web Transport. You can use feature detection to see what types of scripts a browser supports. JavaScript gets better, and there’s …

Migrate a Client-Side Application to React 18 Beta (Video Course)

Up on Egghead you there’s a free video course on how to migrate to React 18. Host Michael Chan walks us through it all in about 15 minutes. In this new course, Michael guides you through incrementally migrating a legacy application that uses the legacy ReactDOM.render() API to the new ReactDOM.createRoot() API. Along the way, …

Designing in the Browser, Season 3

As part of Designcember, Google Chrome Developer Relations Engineer Una Kravets published season three of “Designing in the Browser”, a series of videos on exploring user interface design through the lens of modern web technology. In these short and on-point videos, you’ll learn about certain Web/CSS features and DevTools along the way. The third season …

Magic PostCSS Custom Combinators using :has()

Similar to how you can (ab)use :nth-child() to create “new” CSS selectors, you can leverage :has() to create some typical combinators. Brandon McConnell did just that: y:has(+ x) selects the first preceding y sibling of x: y:has(~ x) selects all preceding y sibling of x: x + y, y:has(+ x) selects the first preceding and …

A story on web engines interoperability related to wavy text decorations

This is a blog post explaining the process of fixing an issue related to wavy text decorations in Blink, that ended up with a similar fix in WebKit. Interesting to read about the work and thought-process behind at-first sight “seemingly simple features” such as the wavy underlines for Spelling and Grammar errors. Be sure to …

hwb() – a color notation for humans?

On the web we can define colors in several Color Spaces. By default we’ve always been using sRGB, but newer ones such as P3 are on the way. To describe a color in CSS (in the sRGB Color Space) we can use the functions rgb() and hsl() today already. Both are well supported, even in …

FOUCE — Flash of Undefined Custom Elements

Cory LaViska: Web components are defined and registered with JavaScript. Depending on how and when you load the scripts that perform registration, you may see a brief flash of unstyled HTML where your custom elements should be when the page loads. This is not dissimilar to FOUC, which occurs when HTML is displayed before the …