Here’s a PNG that will show a different image in Apple Software

This is wild: while writing his own parallel-decodable PNG implementation, David Buchanan discovered he had a bug in his code. Soon after, he found out Apple has the same bug in their implementation which ships with macOS and iOS. As a result, it’s possible to craft a PNG in such a way that Apple’s decoder …

How to prevent scrolling the page on iOS Safari 15

Rik Schennink: If we show a modal on iOS we need to prevent events inside the modal from interacting with the page behind the modal. On a previous episode of “Fun with Safari” we could use preventDefault() on the touchmove event but on iOS 15 that no longer works. Here we go. The solution lies …

Understanding Rendering in the Jamstack (SSG, ISR, DPR, DSG, …)

Can’t follow there with Jamstack’s SSG, ISR, DPR, DSG abbreviations? And what about Edge Rendering? Brian Rinaldi has a nice post explaining them all, and guiding you when to choose which. static rendering – Use this as your default. deferred rendering – Use this when you have to render a lot of pages. server-side rendering …

React Conf 2021

Last week React Conf 2021 took place, focussing on the upcoming React 18 release. I especially liked these talks, all before the 2:00:00 mark: 15:00 — React 18 Keynote 48:55 — React 18 for app developers (useDeferredValue 🔥) 1:08:03 — Streaming Server Rendering with Suspense 1:26:40 — React Developer Tooling 1:54:12 — React without memo …

The State of CSS 2021

Just like last year and the year before, Sacha Greif (with help from a team of contributers and consultants) ran “The State of CSS Survey”. This survey was created to identify upcoming trends in the web development ecosystem in order to help developers make technological choices. As such, these surveys are focused on anticipating what’s …