ohmyfetch — A better fetch API

ohmyfetch is a better fetch API. Works on node, browser and workers. import { $fetch } from ‘ohmyfetch’ Import it and use it as you’d use regular fetch. On top of that, you can use some of the extra convenience methods and options — such as easy response parsing, JSON body, Auto Retry, … — …

Bringing Bounce and Elastic easing to CSS

In this episode of HTTP 203, Jake and Surma talk about easing in CSS. You can ease-in, you can ease-out, but CSS doesn’t let you bounce. Jake and Surma chat about a proposal to fix that. After first going down the rabbit hole of creating a (now-abandoned) proposal to define custom easing functions, Jake went …

Learn PWA — A free course to learn how to build Progressive Web Apps

Learn how to build Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with this free course, authored by Maximiliano Firtman, on web.dev. You’ll learn PWA fundamentals like the Web App Manifest, Service Workers, how to design with an app in mind, what’s different from a classic web app, how to use other tools to test and debug your PWA. …

PHP Monitor — Visual PHP Version Switcher that integrates with Laravel Valet

If you’re just getting started with PHP and/or Homebrew, the whole CLI aspect to install and manage PHP versions can become a bit overwhelming. With PHP Monitor by Nico Verbruggen that task becomes easier to handle. Lightweight, native Mac menu bar app that interacts with Laravel Valet. Helps you manage multiple PHP installations, locate config …

Townscaper – Town Generator Game

This summer Oskar Stålberg released his game Townscaper (see video above). Build quaint island towns with curvy streets, small hamlets, soaring cathedrals, canal networks, or sky cities on stilts. Build the town your dreams, block by block. No goal. No real gameplay. Just plenty of building and plenty of beauty. That’s it. Yesterday he surprised …

CSS Houdini Blobs

Tim Broddin — ubernerd and also my tech colleague at VRT Creative Lab — released a very nice Houdini Paint Worklet that draws some smooth blobs. .css-houdini-blobs { –num-blobs: 40; –seed: 4749; –colors: #71a7ee, #7940c1, #f0e891; –min-opacity: 0.1; –max-opacity: 0.5; background: paint(blobs); } Glad to see Tim used css-houdini-circles as a starting point to work …

Open Props — Supercharged CSS Variables

Adam Argyle released a new project named Open Props. Similar to the aforementioned Pollen, it’s a library that offers nothing but CSS Custom Properties. Open source CSS custom properties to help accelerate adaptive and consistent design. Available from a CDN or NPM, as CSS or Javascript. Once included, you can use the Custom Properties the …

Mozilla Specification Positions

Ever wanted to know Mozilla’s stance on a certain specification? They have a one-pager for that: This page tracks Mozilla’s positions on open Web and Web-related specifications submitted to standards bodies like the IETF, W3C, and Ecma TC39. Please remember, this isn’t a commitment to implement or participate; it’s just what we think right now. …

Why don’t we use HTML to author Web Components?

Florian Schulz explores a way to define a web component entirely via markup. For me, HTML is sort of a component format. So far we’ve used it to define everything that is required for a website to work. But because components are just smaller versions of that, HTML may be a capable format for authoring …