Responsive Layouts, Fewer Media Queries

Over at CSS-Tricks you can read a min-bending article by Temani Afif Since the introduction of media queries (literally decades ago), CSS has evolved to the points that there are a lot of tricks that can help us drastically reduce the usage of media queries we use. In some cases, I will show you how …

SVGcode: a PWA to convert raster images to SVG vector graphics

Thomas Steiner has released a tool named SVGcode. It’s a PWA to convert raster images to SVG vector graphics. SVGcode is a Progressive Web App that lets you convert raster images like JPG, PNG, GIF, WebP, AVIF, etc. to vector graphics in SVG format. It uses the File System Access API, the Async Clipboard API, …

Dock Life: Using Docker for All The Things!

Interesting take by the folks at nystudio107: instead of installing things such as node locally, why not run it in a container with an alias linked to it? Instead of installing all of the tools & pack­ages you’re used to using, we use Dock­er images that some­one else has cre­at­ed that con­tain these tools & …

tldraw — A tiny little drawing app

The past few weeks/months Steve Ruiz has been teasing a lot of the work he has been doing on tldraw, an app to draw diagrams. never too late for a second pass on the UI — Steve Ruiz (@steveruizok) November 2, 2021 About two weeks ago he released it, and also made the source code …

The State Of The Web

In April 2021, Jeremy Keith gave the opening presentation at An Event Apart Spring Summit 2021. In true Jeremy-style this talk starts off with space and the early days of the web, to eventually bring us to the present day. Watch this talk (or read the transcript). And then watch it again. It’s packed with …

Render styleable Markdown in your HTML with <md-block>

To render Markdown on web pages, Lea Verou created <md-block>. It’s a zero-dependency Custom Element that, unlike other solutions, renders the content in the light DOM which allows you to style the output easily. There are many web components these days to render Markdown to HTML. However, all render the resulting Markdown in Shadow DOM, …

Dynamic Color Manipulation with CSS Relative Colors

In Michelle’s excellent Guide To Modern CSS Colors, I only found one thing missing: CSS Relative Colors. Plugging that hole is this post by Jim Nielsen. CSS relative colors enable the dynamic color manipulation I’ve always wanted in vanilla CSS since Sass’ color functions first came on the scene (darken(), lighten(), etc.). Allow me to …

A first look at container-query-polyfill, a polyfill for CSS Container Queries

Surma has been working on container-query-polyfill, a lightweight polyfill for CSS Container Queries. Let’s take a look at how it works and how it differs from cqfill … What Unlike cqfill —which was covered here before— this Polyfill for Container Queries: Does not require you to declare a separate Custom Property –css-contain that duplicates the …

Radix UI

Unstyled, accessible components for building high‑quality design systems and web apps in React. Comes with components such as Dialog, Popover, Dropdown Menu, Toggle, … import * as Popover from '@radix-ui/react-popover'; function App() { return ( <Popover.Root> <Popover.Trigger>…</Popover.Trigger> <Popover.Content>…</Popover.Content> </Popover.Root> ); } Installation per NPM: npm install @radix-ui/react-popover Radix UI → Related: Headless UI — Completely …

My Custom CSS Reset

Josh W. Comeau shares (and explains) his CSS Reset. /* Josh’s Custom CSS Reset */ *, *::before, *::after { box-sizing: border-box; } * { margin: 0; } html, body { height: 100%; } body { line-height: 1.5; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } img, picture, video, canvas, svg { display: block; max-width: 100%; } input, button, textarea, …