How to win at CORS

Jake Archibald takes a deep dive into CORS: CORS is hard. It’s hard because it’s part of how browsers fetch stuff, and that’s a set of behaviours that started with the very first web browser over thirty years ago. Since then, it’s been a constant source of development; adding features, improving defaults, and papering over …

W3C TPAC 2021: CSS WG Updates

At (the ongoing) TPAC 2021 — the W3C Annual Conference — the CSS Working Group provided two video updates that summarize some of the ongoing work they’ve been doing. Perfect way to get up to speed in less than 10 minutes Improving CSS Architecture with Cascade Layers, Container Queries, Scope In this video Miriam Suzanne …

Atropos — Stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects

Atropos is a lightweight, free and open-source JavaScript library to create stunning touch-friendly 3D parallax hover effects. Available for JavaScript, React and Vue.js I like that this script is also comes in a VanillaJS version, which shares its core with the React and Vue implementations. Atropos → Related: You could build this with pure CSS …

PWA Summit 2021 Talk Highlights

The entire livestream of PWA Summit 2021 is available online on YouTube. This is the full livestream of the conference, and includes the keynote, all 9 talks, all 3 live Q&A sessions, and the full Future of Web Apps panel. It also includes four talks from our organizing companies. Highlights to me are: Make your …

Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? | Transitional Apps with Rich Harris, NYTimes

Talk by Rich Harris, as presented at the most recent JamstackConf: Transitional apps samples elements from both traditional and modern architecture. The term is borrowed from interior design’s framing of “transitional design.” Transitional apps are, like multi-page apps, server-side rendered for fast initial loads, resilient since they work without JS by default, and provide a …

How CodePen leverages Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare KV Storage

Interesting to see Chris Coyier and Stephen Shaw lift the hood of CodePen, detailing how they use Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare’s KV Storage. Cloudflare workers are like serverless functions that always run at the edge, making them incredibly fast. Not only that, but the tooling around them is really nice. They can run at particular …

DOM Treemap DevTools Extension

Christian Schaefer created a DevTools Extension for both Chromium and Firefox that visualizes the children of a DOM Node. The bigger the box, the more children that child node has. After a Google Lighthouse audit complaining an excessive DOM size, have you ever wondered in which corner of your document most DOM nodes are buried? …

Generative design with CSS Houdini

Recording of George Francis giving his talk “Generative design with CSS Houdini” at the most recent edition of London CSS Learn how the mystical powers of CSS Houdini can be harnessed to create ever-unique, generative user interfaces — think random patterns, shapes, animations, and more! Related: Random Paint Effects with Houdini