Detecting media query support in CSS and JavaScript

Kilian Valkhof recently needed to check if prefers-reduced-data was supported by the browser or not For this, I couldn’t use just @media (prefers-reduced-data: no-preference) because that would be false if either there was no support (since the browser wouldn’t understand the media query) or if it was supported but the user wanted to preserve data. …

“Inline Parameters” extension for VSCode

Inspired by JetBrains’ “Inline Parameter Name Hints” feature, Liam Hammett created an extension for VSCode with the same functionality: This feature can give you additional context when reading your code, making it easier to understand what different function parameters refer to by showing the parameter’s name inline. No longer do you have to be confused …

A “Pure CSS” Remaining Reading Time Indicator with @scroll-timeline

🚨 UPDATE: The Scroll-Linked Animations Specification and its proposed syntax have undergone a major rewrite. This post details an older version of the syntax and has not been updated to reflect these changes. Do note that the concept of a Scroll-Linked Animation still stands, it’s only the syntax that has changed since writing this. Please …

Natural Shadows in CSS with inlined SVG filters

Dissecting a React Component built by Jamie Kyle, Stefan Judis provides us with an easy to use CSS class that adds a “Natural Shadow” to any element. He does this by inlining the SVG <filter> in a CSS filter. 💁‍♂️ You can think of this “Natural Shadow” like a “Ambient Lighting” (Ambilight) option on a …

JavaScript: Hostnames as self-executing fetches

In a conversation between Mathias Bynens and Ingvar Stepanyan, an idea popped up: what if a hostname — such as — would be valid JavaScript? Using a JavaScript Proxy, that’s perfect possible. My favourite is hostnames being valid (and working!) JavaScript. — Ingvar Stepanyan (@RReverser) June 12, 2019 Building further upon that is proxy-www, …

Using the Specificity of :where() as a CSS Reset

As mentioned in Three important things you should know about CSS :is(), the specificity of :where() will always be 0: :where() works the same way like :is() does, but will always have a specificity of 0. You can cleverly wrap this around other selectors to undo their specificity. Think of :where(:not(…)) for example. Over at …

SSH: Skip Private Keys loaded into ssh-agent

Note to self: to SSH into a server with a username + password combination only — e.g. skipping any Private Key loaded into ssh-agent — use this command: ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password user@server The connection will now ask for the user’s password, instead of trying to use public key authentication.