The animations track of a performance trace can now tell you why an animation was not composited.
Tag Archives: chrome
CrBug Release Indicator
Not all Browsers are Created Equal (on iOS)
What’s new in Chrome 97 (Features + DevTools)
Pete LePage has all the details about what’s new for developers in Chrome 97: Chrome 97 is rolling out now! There’s a new option for sending real-time messages between the client and server using Web Transport. You can use feature detection to see what types of scripts a browser supports. JavaScript gets better, and there’s …
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TablesNG — Improvements to <table>
rendering in Chromium
New in Chrome 90
Debug/Inspect z-index
stacking with the “CSS Stacking Context Inspector” DevTools extension
The Stacking Contexts Inspector is a DevTools extension for Google Chrome that allows you to analyse the stacking contexts available on a webpage. This extension will add a new panel to the DevTools and a new sidebar on the elements panel. Handy for when you’re having stacking issues. CSS Stacking Context Inspector →Stacking Contexts Inspector …
Smooth Scrolling and Find In Page, a not so Smooth Combination …
There was this interesting Twitter conversation last week between Chris Coyier and Schepp last week. Apparently if you have Smooth Scrolling enabled, it also affects the behavior of Find in Page in Chrome: Whenever you want to go to the next result it will smooth scroll, instead of jump to it. Anecdotal thing: when I …
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Chrome is about to hide parts of the URL
In Chrome 86, we’re going to experiment with how URLs are shown in the address bar on desktop platforms. Our goal is to understand — through real-world usage — whether showing URLs this way helps users realize they’re visiting a malicious website, and protects them from phishing and social engineering attacks. A shame they didn’t …