Native CSS selector system to look up DOM nodes hits Webkit/Safari

Many javascript libraries have implemented functions to use the powerful CSS selector system to look up DOM nodes. Continuing the trend of standardizing and speeding up commonly used functionality from these libraries, WebKit now has support for the new W3C Selectors API, which consists of the querySelector and querySelectorAll methods. Sweet! 🙂 Native CSS selector …

TinyMCE CSS Classes and IDs Plugin : bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 hits the net!

Huzzah! bramus_cssextras 0.5.0 has been released! No new features have been added, yet this version differs a lot from the previously released versions of bramus_cssextras: Under the hood bramus_cssextras has been totally rewritten to make it TinyMCE 3.0 compatible.

My Javascript (non-AJAX) Progress Bar Class : jsProgressBarHandler

Don’t you just hate it when people wrongly label something as AJAX? A fine example of this is the – so called – AJAX Progress Bar. Above that the javascript could … well … let’s say “a rewrite needs to be done” popped up in my head, resulting in jsProgressBarHandler, a Prototype.js class to dynamically …

My note to myself : Dissapearing Firefox Caret (Cursor) CSS Fix

In FireFox (or any other Mozilla/Gecko based browser), the caret in input fields and textareas sometimes just disappears (viz. it’s not there). To be more precise it has something to do with input fields and textareas inside fixed-positioned elements. Found a CSS fix a few months ago, but forgot about it, so sticking a post-it …