Why Game Developers Should Care about HTML5

I’m at Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) right now for the “International iWeek”, organized by the Faculty of Technology. Today I gave two sessions entitled “Why Game Developers Should Care about HTML5”, a reprise of a talk I first did back in 2013. You can check out the slides embedded below. Slides with presenter …

Isomer – An isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas

var Shape = Isomer.Shape; var Point = Isomer.Point; iso.add([ Shape.Prism(Point.ORIGIN, 3, 3, 1), Shape.Pyramid(new Point(0, 0, 1)), Shape.Pyramid(new Point(0, 2, 1)), Shape.Pyramid(new Point(2, 0, 1)), Shape.Pyramid(new Point(2, 2, 1)) ]); Did somebody out there recreate Monument Valley using this yet? Isomer →

Export Flash Pro CC to HTML5 Canvas

With its latest update, Flash Professional CC empowers the open web ecosystem by providing native support for HTML5. You can now natively author and publish HTML5 Canvas content from within Flash Pro. Powered by CreateJS. Also comes with a AS3 to JS converter. Adobe Flash CC: What’s New → Flash Professional Help: Creating and publishing …

Why Game Developers Should Care About HTML5

Slides (with notes) of a talk I gave at the SEGAN Conference in Tallinn, Estonia a few weeks ago. The talk consisted of two parts: the actual talk, and a demonstration. The talk was handled by me, the demonstration by my colleague Rogier. These slides are not available anymore. Please see this updated version of …

Pusher — HTML5 WebSocket Powered Realtime Messaging Service

Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps It’s as easy as subscribing to a channel: var channel = pusher.subscribe(‘my-channel’); channel.bind(‘my-event’, function(data) { alert(‘Received my-event with message: ‘ + data.message); }); and pushing messages to it: pusher.trigger(‘my-channel’, ‘my-event’, { "message": "hello world" } ); …

Find Your Way to Oz

“Find Your Way to Oz” is a new Google Chrome Experiment brought to the web by Disney. It allows you to take an interactive journey through a Kansas circus, which leads you to the land of Oz after you are swept up by a massive storm. Find Your Way to Oz → “Find Your Way …

The <main> Element

The ARIA role main is intended to serve as an alternative to a “skip to main content” link, something especially helpful to users accessing a site by way of assistive tech or navigating by keyboard alone. It provides the browser (or the users’ assistive software) with a predictable landmark for the page’s primary content so …

Contre Jour

Hauntingly beautiful, pleasantly challenging and strangely addicting – Contre Jour is now on the web! Swing, shoot, drop or fling Petit through 30 free challenging levels right in your browser. Very nice iOS game (been playing it for quite some time now), ported to the web by to celebrate the upcomig Internet Explorer 10 team …


BananaBread is a 3D first person shooter that runs on the web. It takes the Cube 2: Sauerbraten engine, which is written in C++ and OpenGL, and compiles it using Emscripten into JavaScript and WebGL so that it can run in modern browsers using standards-based web APIs and without the need for plugins. Be amazed. …