Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation, with CSS fixed backgrounds

Davor Suljic created a fork of my Smooth Scrolling Sticky ScrollSpy Navigation that — instead of using IntersectionObserver — uses some background magic to highlight the active navigation items. The result is a “Pure CSS” implementation: If you turn on an outline on one of the content sections it becomes clear how it exactly works: …

Progress Nav with IntersectionObserver

In Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver on CSS-Tricks, Chris Coyier talks about sticky table of contents on long pages whose active state updates as you scroll. When talking about those, you can not not mention the wonderful Progress Nav by Hakim El Hattab. Final version of the progress nav! Switched to SVG and made it …

Building a Side Navigation

Adam Argyle, writing for In today’s GUI challenge we create a responsive, accessible slide out side navigation user experience using CSS and JS. The sidenav works on multiple browsers, screen sizes and input devices. Rad right? Follow as we employ grid, transforms, pseudo classes and a dollop of JavaScript to handle this UX. On …

How Discord Implemented App-Wide Keyboard Navigation

When working on creating a complete keyboard navigation experience for Discord, using styling with :focus and outline, the folks at Discord ran into issues where the outline would not match the shape of actual element being rendered. Thinks like border-radius, overflow: hidden; on the container, padding got in the way. So they set out to …

Deep Dive into Page Lifecycle API

As the name suggests, the Page Lifecycle API exposes the web page lifecycle hooks to JavaScript. However, it isn’t an entirely new concept. Page Visibility API existed for some time, revealing some of the page visibility events to JavaScript. However, if you happen to choose between these two, it’s worth mentioning some of the limitations …

Avoiding tab styles for navigation

Adam Silver, who works at/with the fine folks at GOV.UK: Tabs should only look like tabs if they behave like tabs otherwise it can be in disorienting and confusing for users. Shown above is the old layout that featured the tabs (which are actually links, here). The new version still has the links in place …

Using JavaScript’s closest() Method to Capture a “Click outside” an Element

In Practical Use Cases for JavaScript’s closest() Method, Andreas Remdt talks about some nice use cases that use Element.closest(). I especially like this example with a menu. Click on one of the links and it will show the menu which has the class menu-dropdown. Clicking outside said menu will close it. It’s that latter one …

React Navigation 5.0 alpha – Rethinking Navigation as a Component-first API

Just announced at React Native EU is an alpha release of React Navigation 5.0, a navigator for use with React Native. An exploration of a component-first API for React Navigation for building more dynamic navigation solutions. Should play well with static type system Navigation state should be contained in root component (helpful for stuff such …

pagemap, a mini map navigation for web pages

Many text editors nowadays sport a minimap on the right hand side of the screen. Pagemap is like that, but for webpages: To use it, position a canvas element fixed on your screen, and tell pagemap which elements to include in the map: <canvas id="map"></canvas> #map { position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; width: 200px; …