Why Game Developers Should Care about HTML5

I’m at Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) right now for the “International iWeek”, organized by the Faculty of Technology. Today I gave two sessions entitled “Why Game Developers Should Care about HTML5”, a reprise of a talk I first did back in 2013. You can check out the slides embedded below. Slides with presenter …

JavaScript Roots: Core Language Essentials

(That’s a presentation embedded above. Use your left/right arrow keys to navigate through it. You might need to click it first in order to focus it.) Whilst we, JavaScript developers, are nowadays spoiled with tools, frameworks, build systems, etc. we might tend to forget some of the core things contained in the JavaScript language. Think …

Why Game Developers Should Care About HTML5

Slides (with notes) of a talk I gave at the SEGAN Conference in Tallinn, Estonia a few weeks ago. The talk consisted of two parts: the actual talk, and a demonstration. The talk was handled by me, the demonstration by my colleague Rogier. These slides are not available anymore. Please see this updated version of …