Detox: E2E Testing in React Native

High velocity native mobile development requires us to adopt continuous integration workflows, which means our reliance on manual QA has to drop significantly. Detox tests your mobile app while it’s running in a real device/simulator, interacting with it just like a real user. Here’s a sample test for a login screen: describe(‘Login flow’, () => …

Puppeteer – Headless Chrome Node API

Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocol. It can also be configured to use full (non-headless) Chrome. const puppeteer = require(‘puppeteer’); (async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(‘’); await page.screenshot({path: ‘example.png’}); browser.close(); })(); Puppeteer – …

An Overview of JavaScript Testing in 2017

This short guide is intended to catch you up with the most important reasoning, terms, tools, and approaches to JavaScript testing. It combines many great recently written articles about some aspects discussed here and adds a little more from our experience. That first sentence is a lie though, nothing “short” about this grand overview ;). …

Jest – Painless JavaScript Testing

I’ve been hearing great things about Jest lately. It’s worth checking it out: Jest is a JavaScript testing framework, used by Facebook to test all JavaScript code including React applications. Install Jest using npm (along with some extra Babel presets if you’re writing ES2015 – Don’t forget to configure Babel using .babelrc to use the …

EarlGrey – iOS UI Automation Test Framework

New native iOS UI automation test framework from Google: With the EarlGrey framework, you have access to enhanced synchronization features […] which help ensure that the UI is in a steady state before actions are performed. This greatly increases test stability and makes tests highly repeatable. EarlGrey works in conjunction with the XCTest framework and …

Testing React Native Apps on Android and iOS

These apps are regular native Android and iOS apps, and basically any test automation frameworks works for them: Robotium, Appium, Calabash, uiautomator, Espresso, Jasmine, UI Automation, TestNG, Frank, KIF and many others! Therefore, you do have a great freedom of choice when you build your apps based on React Native framework. Contains example scripts for …

FBSimulatorControl – A Mac OS X library for managing and manipulating iOS Simulators

Just launched by Facebook: FBSimulatorControl, A Mac OS X library for managing, booting and interacting with multiple iOS Simulators simultaneously. FBSimulatorControl works by linking with the private DVTFoundation, CoreSimulator and DVTiPhoneSimulatorRemoteClient frameworks that are present inside the Xcode bundle. Doing this allows FBSimulatorControl to talk directly to the same APIs that Xcode and simctl do. …

PHPCI – Continuous Integration for PHP Projects

PHPCI is a free and open source continuous integration tool specifically designed for PHP. Built with simplicity in mind and featuring integrations with all of your favourite testing tools, we’ve created the very best platform for testing your PHP projects. Looks interesting. Host it yourself, or make use of one of the hosted plans. PHPCI …